10640 North College Ave.
Indianapolis, IN - 46280
(317)340-1427  (317)816-4006
Yang Health Center
Chinese Acupuncture and Spine Care
Please call (317) 816-4006 or (317) 340-1427 for a  consultation.
Duane E.  (Lower Back Pain)

I am Duane E. , a 70-year-old male.  For at least half of my life I have suffered from osteoarthritis, in various parts of
my body.  About 25 years ago I injured (along with my arthritis) my lumbar vertebrae.  Since then I have suffered
various degrees of lower back pain.

About 18 months ago I began experiencing more acute lower back pain.  In working with my orthopedic doctor, I have
had cortisone shots (as many as four at one time) which helped for a while, and I have used pain medication
extensively.  I have been unhappy with the side effects of the medicine, even though they did help with the pain.

On October 22 of this year, I was evaluated by Dr. Wei-Chen Yang and had my first acupuncture treatment.  I am so
happy to report that I have not needed any pain medicine since that first treatment, 19 days ago!!!!!!!!  I look forward
to a more pain-free life, and one in which I don’t feel “loopy” from the meds.  What a relief!!!  As the reader can see, I
am a big acupuncture fan now, especially with Dr. Yang.

Mao J.   (Pain & Depression)

In May 2010 I picked a nerve in my neck. Severe depression was a by product of pain management by injections and
heavy medications. Doctors could not stop my 24 hour a day suffering.  After 4 weeks of treatment from Dr Yang, I
have stopped all medications.  Acupuncture and chiropractic care has curtailed my pain and depression.
Thank you Dr Yang for all your care.

Karl T B. Kmck  (Neck Pain)

I'm testifying that acupuncture helps me many ailments. My husband was suffering with pretty severe neck pain and
so did I but with even one treatment it helped very much. I am coming to Dr. Yang since early 2012 off and on and
always had good success no matter if it was pain in my hurt shoulders, and stomach. I have received great relief from
pain in my neck and stomach area with the treatments.  We can highly recommend her!

L.T.  (Back Pain)

I'm a patient of Dr Yang for 3 months, receiving acupuncture and cupping treatment.  For the first several weeks had
treatment 2x/week, then down to 1x/week, and to the current weekly treatments and exeercises.
A brief background history.  My initial episode of backpain was in the 1970's and was treated by a Chiropractor.  
Getting an adjustment every month helped and I was relatively pain free, able to do whatever I pleased until 2007.  I
started having back pain and this time had a epidural injection.  That helped for about 1 1/2 years when I started
having pain hip down to foot, with eventual burning sensation hip to foot and foot numbness.  I received 2 epidural
injection a week apart, but they did not help.  In 2009 I had extensive back surgery involving 3 different levels. After
surgery I was doing ok (toe numbness continued) for about 2 years, when back and hip level pain returned/started  
Next (2011) I tried laser ablation therapy, this helped at first, but I still was limited walking (pain started after about
half block) and forget doing something like vacuuming, standing for more than a couple of minutes.  
So Feb. 2013, Dr. Yang entered the scene.  To date I have had 20+ treatments and very slowly walking distance has
increased, able to stand and do dishes, and vacuum when I want to. Plan on continuining treatment and oh yes, the
exercises. It took years for my situation to develop and will take time to be undone.
I would suggest anyone having an ongoing pain issue consider seeing Dr. Yang for treatment.

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